V2.4, June 2023
more than 6,000 species worldwide
covers frequencies from 0 Hz to 15 kHz with two-channel spectrogram (one for low and one for high frequencies)
0.826 GFLOPs, 50.5 MB as FP32
enhanced and optimized metadata model
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 6,522 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Technical Details
48 kHz sampling rate (we up- and downsample automatically and can deal with artifacts from lower sampling rates)
we compute 2 mel spectrograms as input for the convolutional neural network:
first one has fmin = 0 Hz and fmax = 3000; nfft = 2048; hop size = 278; 96 mel bins
second one has fmin = 500 Hz and fmax = 15 kHz; nfft = 1024; hop size = 280; 96 mel bins
both spectrograms have a final resolution of 96x511 pixels
raw audio will be normalized between -1 and 1 before spectrogram conversion
we use non-linear magnitude scaling as mentioned in Schlüter 2018
V2.4 uses an EfficienNetB0-like backbone with a final embedding size of 1024
See this comment for more details
Species range model V2.4 - V2, Jan 2024
updated species range model based on eBird data
more accurate (spatial) species range prediction
slightly increased long-tail distribution in the temporal resolution
see this discussion post for more details
Using older models
Older models can also be used as custom classifiers in the GUI or using the –classifier argument in the birdnet_analyzer.analyze command line interface.
Just download your desired model version and unzip.
GUI: Select the *_Model_FP32.tflite file under Species selection / Custom classifier
python -m birdnet_analyzer ... --classifier 'path_to_Model_FP32.tflite'
Model Version History
All models listed here are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
more than 6,000 species worldwide
covers frequencies from 0 Hz to 15 kHz with two-channel spectrogram (one for low and one for high frequencies)
0.826 GFLOPs, 50.5 MB as FP32
enhanced and optimized metadata model
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 6,522 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Download here:
slightly larger (36.4 MB vs. 21.3 MB as FP32) but smaller computational footprint (0.698 vs. 1.31 GFLOPs) than V2.2
larger embedding size (1024 vs 320) than V2.2 (hence the bigger model)
enhanced and optimized metadata model
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 3,337 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Download here:
smaller (21.3 MB vs. 29.5 MB as FP32) and faster (1.31 vs 2.03 GFLOPs) than V2.1
maintains same accuracy as V2.1 despite more classes
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 3,337 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Download here:
same model architecture as V2.0
extended 2022 training data
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 2,434 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Download here:
same model design as 1.4 but a bit wider
extended 2022 training data
global selection of species (birds and non-birds) with 1,328 classes (incl. 11 non-event classes)
Download here:
smaller, deeper, faster
only 30% of the size of V1.3
still linear spectrogram and EfficientNet blocks
extended 2021 training data
1,133 birds and non-birds for North America and Europe
Download here:
Model uses linear frequency scale for spectrograms
uses V2 fusion blocks and V1 efficient blocks
extended 2021 training data
1,133 birds and non-birds for North America and Europe
Download here:
Model based on EfficientNet V2 blocks
uses V2 fusion blocks and V1 efficient blocks
extended 2021 training data
1,133 birds and non-birds for North America and Europe
Download here:
Model based on Wide-ResNet (aka “App model”)
extended 2021 training data
1,133 birds and non-birds for North America and Europe
Download here:
App Model
Model based on Wide-ResNet
~3,000 species worldwide
currently deployed as BirdNET app model
Download here: